Our Privacy Policy is simple... Our online shopping experience is secure and we make use of a secure socket layer. What does this mean? It means the information that you enter when you are ready to check out is encrypted when it is transmitted across the Internet. This makes it impossible for anyone to view the data. Your information is safe with us. We do not share any of it with other companies or individuals, period. We make every effort to use discretion in contacting you and in shipping your orders to you. We ship all orders in plain, unmarked boxes or envelopes. We don't include our company name or Web address on the return label. How can you help?
* Be discreet in your email at work or at home if needed
* Use a private email address that is not shared
* Use a shipping address where it's okay to receive plain, unmarked boxes or envelopes
* Call or email us if you ever need to change your information
If you are uncomfortable using your credit card online, you may print out an order sheet, fill it out and fax it back to us.
Click here for the Fax Back Order Form .
Our fax number is: (619) 299-8046
You can also place an order or ask a question by phone: (619) 299-8041 or toll free at 866-866-4792. Our fax number is: (619) 299-8046 Our mailing address is: 3470 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116
Want to email us? For questions about an order or general questions, please email us at:CustomerService@SXvideo.com.